
Looking back on 2021 tour
On August 18, 2021, 52 students and 8 cycling supervisors left from the Netherlands, Germany and Poland to cycle together from Auschwitz to Memorial Center Camp Westerbork. With this they commemorated 75 (+1) years of Peace and Freedom.
Looking back on 2021 tour

Cycling yourself?
Would you also like to organize your own challenging and interesting cycling tour? We have a shorter version that can be driven permanently.
This route with numerous special features largely runs along the former railway line between Bergen-Belsen and Westerbork.
Towards 80 years of peace
exercise, learn,
cycling and getting informed
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We would like to draw your attention to the organizations that support our project. We are extremely grateful to them because they are committed to the activities we organize in the context of 75 years of freedom now and the years that may follow. They too cherish our freedom and support the goals we pursue.