Looking Back

Memorial Tour

On August 18, 2021, 52 students and 8 cycling supervisors left from the Netherlands, Germany and Poland to cycle together from Auschwitz to Memorial Center Camp Westerbork. With this they commemorated 75 (+1) years of Peace and Freedom.

The tour was originally planned for 2020, but was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, it still worked out in August 2021. After about 1320 km, of which about 850 km by bike, we arrived in Westerbork on August 31. The route is on the map at the bottom of this page.


What a fantastic impressive and interesting educational bike ride we had!! You have an idea in advance of what it could be like. In many ways, this performance turned out much better than we dared to hope.

thick line = bicycle, thin line = bus


We are working hard on a film and other material to share with all of you. For now, we’ll post some photos first.