Educational bike tour Auschwitz – Westerbork 2025
Due to the great success of the previous edition of this tour in 2021, we have decided that we want to organize and carry out this tour again in August 2025.
We hope to be able to cycle the tour with 80 students from different countries of the European Union. The students are aged 18 – 26 and are attending secondary vocational education (MBO), HBO or WO (university education).
Working groups
We hope to redo many parts, we may add other elements. This requires a lot of work from us.
The board has therefore created working groups:
- Communication
- Logistics
- Education
- Recruitment
Each working group has a representative from the board, who will also be chairman of the working group. The action plans have been drawn up, the tasks have been divided, so we can get off to a good start.
We have already found a number of volunteers who want to be part of a working group. However, we need more people for specific things. We are therefore calling for volunteers.